Why so many Japanese children refuse to go to school
BBC News
Reportage with Alessia Cerantola about the futoko in Japan.
Analog and digital photography work.

Editorial Photography
"The Women You Can Rent as Your BFF" on vice.com.

Mostly Street-Photography
Shots taken while preparing and making Street-Photography Workshops in Tokyo.
Featured by Eyexplore.com

Editorial content for Dutch Web Magazine
Article about which parts of chicken are used for Japanese Yakitori recipes.

on reisenexclusiv.com (DE)
Monts d’Arrée
Editorial Photography

in Tokyo
Photography Workshops !
At EYExplore our goal is to provide a fun and educational photographic experience for people in all walks of life.

Why so many Japanese children refuse to go to school
BBC News
Reportage with Alessia Cerantola about the futoko in Japan.
Analog and digital photography work.
- BBC News
- vice.com
- Fox News
- Portfolio
- Magazine
- Street Photography Magazine
- Revu NL Magazine
- 青沼陽一郎
- favorflav.com
- Hinohara waterfalls
- Editorial Publication
- Monts d’Arrée
- Editorial content
- Editorial Content
- Revu NL
- OVH.com
- Special prize won
- Under the rain
- Photography Workshops !
- Arne Vinzon
- The Head Shakers
- Histoires de Violons
- Advanced Creation Magazine
- Bronze Prize / 銅賞
- Humans &Tokyo
- 三吉麹屋
- Bruno Deniel-Laurent
- Lignes